With my return to college- and subsequent renewal of the monotony that is not monotonous- I am going to be posting less on this with new content per se.
Now I've seen that this blog has become full of nerdy stuff. When you as a blogger find Pokemon, Fire Emblem, anime, and Lovecraftian horror cool enough that you want to blog about them. Then you know that in your own right (because nerdyness does come in every shap, size, credo, sexual orientation, and I.Q. level. Everybody is special and nerdy in their own awesome way. Do not believe that your limitations define you, but that awesomeness is inside you- just wanting to shine.
Now that I got the pep talk out of the way- I going to be uploading some different stuff.
Music lyrics that I wrote, poems, anime reviews, and fanfiction progress (now that means that for some people- this would be the most awful and boring thing ever. Well when you have this spark that had been building for years and just it comes out. Side Note- I'm noticing I want to branch out in fanfics. I don't want to be constrained to just one fandom. I think I might be drifting away from the thing that gave me the spark, not that the fandom is bad but that I am noticing more and more that no show is without faults. Combine that with show direction and I just miss the past- but am hopeful for the future. On that note- my classes are only on Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays giving me Tuesdays and Thursdays to catch up with writing stuff for anybody who cares (and by this point you know who you might be. ;) )
So until I say that the posts of "new" material actually are NEW in like capital letters or something. . .you get to see older material. Call it nostalgia and just a way to kick off another decade of life, maybe just I look at it tinged with sentimentality.
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