Hannibal MO (12/1/13)
In Hannibal Missouri where Twain did grow,
the windows are are shuttered and nobody doth go.
The businesses are hit with a general depression
because the country's up in a great recession.
The tugboats are no longer in their own domain
only husks and masses hulking upon a smaller plain,
time passed and the causeways quieted-
but the people have not forgotten the past unrequited.
In Hannibal, Missouri where Twain did grow
the town shudders in its final death throes.
The Gods We Idolize (12/1/13)
A Creator said Let There Be/ Light of every kind/ from the UV to the visible and all to either side/ to let my creations see the Gods they idolize/ so time passed and the world was made anew/ the God did see that what he made grew and grew/ and civilization came to Earth’s rocky shore/ and the God was firm and mighty and was seen no more.
So the humans worked alone/ on their cosmic ark/ and each and every one had their special part/ but some grew weary and turned their eyes/ towards the starry skies/ and thought of their beginnings and the Gods We Idolize./ So creation was abounding in the stories and the cries/ of prehistoric peoples reaching for the sky.
From the Rainbow Serpent/ to the chaos we despise,/ myths abounded of the time past idle eyes/ and great people came and went/ through time’s ebb and flow/ and some must have reached the shore where all great heroes go./ From the Ur of the Chaldees/ and other cities great/ did the poets memorialize the dates/ of every single God we idolize/ and turn their heads towards the starry skies.
Choose a tankard/ of any shape or size/ from the horns of the unicorn/ or the sea’s own crashing tides/ and quaff the Norse ale and turn the battle’s sides/ and pray towards the Gods we idolize./ Thoughts of weapons clashing/ and the burning of the pyres/ did make the warriors happy with the songs of ice and fire./ For when the berserker fights/ he takes no glory higher/ than dying in the battle towards the end of his desire.
From the early to the modern/ the Gods we Idolize/ did change their guise/ now we worship something different/ and yet the same/ each took a nicer form and a pretty name/ Psychology some worship/ because of prophet’s eyes/ from Freud to Jung/ and others come/ to read the Delphic sighs./ Architecture made the golems/ of Pygmalion design/ the arches and the sky scapes/ the make the skies/ less foreign and Godlike/ time echoes by,/ War becomes a God itself/ in how people cry/ against the use of such weapons/ that mortals’ can’t describe/ from the missiles and the bombs that take a sacred life.
The opiates/ and drugs that come upon the masses/ fight their own battles/ and hallowed passes/ upon the pantheon that shines forevermore/ into the void beyond the walls of sleep that count the score/ four score and seven years before/ the land burned ever bright/ the fantastic creatures did fright/ the children that burn the torches on each Judgement Day/ For if I had possession- each person would stay/ in biers of marble casing that protected from the tithes/ of the Kraken’s righteous fury upon the false Gods we Idolize.
The God was disappointed in creation’s starry sky/ He did know what Gods they idolized-/ The crawl of time/ and death was what kind they sanctified/ but even death may die upon a breach of rhyme/ and now people did pass the the time with idle eyes/ for what does a sigh perceive/ upon a golden shore/ but land to conquer and deceive/ upon a killing floor.
Woe Is Reality aka School Daze Parts 1 and 2 (Written January 17, 2012)
When I was ten I read the Bible from cover to cover
What did I discover?
There was a part of me I had to cover
My best dream I had was where I was the Antichrist
full of hatred discord and strife
I wonder if what I read impacted what I found out
God hates me as much as I hate myself
Girl you did three things that impacted me
have you made inquiries? I sure have
You said I was a creep so I watch you from the shadows
I don’t need a weather vane to see the wind blow
Sure I’m no knight in shining armor but my armor-
the armor is busted and rusted and full of holes
I put you on a pedestal but you fell off it when
you stayed with what used to be my best friend
I’m curious why you made a decision
so spurious. It makes me feel sick knowing my dark secret
entwined secret. When I told it to you at first you didn’t believe it
then you said I better keep it. What is this? My scarlet letter
is not making me feel any better but alas poor me I’m stuck playing Yorick
My mind wanders, time does not make the memory grow fonder
Why do I not have a girlfriend? to paraphrase my mind ”Why are you so queer?”
For I fear that the idols I despised I have became
I don’t know why for I do not have a name
From 12 to 17 I looked forward to every
teenage boy’s dream but my friend got you
while I got bored,
More and more fun became work
when I feared what lurked at the edge of my mind.
My walls have crumbled and fallen
Please take pot shots at me before the doctor comes calling
Outside I’m happy inside I’m crying
All's fair in love and war they were just lying,
To you I’m just a happy school boy smoking a cigarette
That’s a wordplay lets see what you get
I may be a guy but I am effete
This is a puzzle, I have the whole set.
Write me off, shut me out
Nothing is a war zone, a rout.
Time is nothing but a relative brother to me
See the lines reach the sea
The rainbows are blacker than normal
It must be cause I’m traveling in a worm hole
To get back to days that nostalgia hits
Days of happiness, joy and better wit.
Thought that you look better now
Than later, hatin on making a cow
Jump over the moon like in stories
What lies beneath the morning glories
The dawn bringing in hues of color
My mind becomes my closest dollar
A sign that days gone by are not lost
What is the cost?
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