As the title says- Fanfiction is my jam (I have a lot of ideas and I really have no place to keep them all- so this'll do) And most of them are crossovers- and 97 percent are My Little Pony based (the 10 percent is anime/ video game stuff) so that is a thing. Crossovers- automatic way to hit on both the fans of one thing and fans of another and profit. Blame me for liking things and crossing them over. Also blame me for never updating junk- time restraints can suck.
Unnamed Power Rangers x My Little Pony Xover
Unnamed Neon Genesis Evangelion x My Little Pony Xover
Finish my X'amd Lost memories x MLP Xover
Continue Animation Corps: Entropy- MLP x 29 other things
MLP unnamed adventure shipfic (Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash with Celestia x Discord and set in the Changeling homeland- this has fallen way to the wayside
MLP slice of life shipfics (Applejack x Luna; possibly Applejack x Cadance)
Some kind of story involving dragons
Finally continue that Cheerilee x Pinkie story that went on hiatus when I had my surgery.
Some Scootaloo story focused on pegasi
Continue/ Finish my Steven King x MLP Xovers
M&M Characters in Equestria (I try to write comedy sometimes. . .)
The Hangover x MLP
Green Lantern x MLP Xover (Or maybe a Power Ponies story- MLP Avengers?)
Full Metal Alchemist x MLP Xover
House of Leaves x MLP Xover
Burn Notice x MLP Xover
Sad shipfic (Rarity x Applejack)
Studio Gainax x other anime x MLP Xover
MLP x zombies
Gangster Madoka Magica
Fire Emblem x Pokemon
Sailor Moon x Neon Genesis Evangelion x other
I think that's it for now.